About the Teacher



NAME: Mrs. Michelle D. Pete, M.Ed


SCHOOL: Litwin Elementary


CLASS: 3rd grade


SCHOOL PHONE: 594-3545





Just a bit of info to let you know who I am. In 1996, I began teaching in Chicopee at Litwin Elementary School. I began my career in 5th grade and stayed at that level for an additional 8 years. Four years ago, I gave up my 5th grade class in order to transfer to the third grade level. As, some of you may know, two years ago, I moved with my third graders and taught them fourth grade as well. This is known as "looping" in the teaching world. Happily, four years ago, I moved back to third grade once again. As the new school year begins, I am looking forward to working with your children and know that we will have an exciting and successful year! Here's to a great year!






As we know MCAS and standardized testing are extremely prevalent in the public schools across the country. Along with the academics though, I try my best to instill in my students some life long skills such as: respect, responsibility, organization, and honesty! With what they learn at home and at school I believe that if we work together as a team, these youngsters will continue to thrive and become productive, happy members of society!